So we haven't been up to too much recently. Yesterday Chris was off work for Veterans Day and we had decided we would go to the mall and just look around. Well on our way there we saw that there was a parade getting set up. Well I LOVE parades and Chris LOVES me so after a quick run to Starbucks and Goodwill to drop off some clothes we went to the parade!
I am not sure why I like parades so much, but they just make me so happy! Chris had a great time too!
Waving our flags at the parade!
Waving our flags at the parade!

At the Veterans Day Parade...........................................

After the parade we stop for some lunch and then headed to the mall. After walking around the mall we decided we were pretty much exhausted so we headed back home.
At the Veterans Day Parade...........................................
After the parade we stop for some lunch and then headed to the mall. After walking around the mall we decided we were pretty much exhausted so we headed back home.
For dinner we had decided to make lasagna. We had a great time doing that too! Chris helped out a lot with the layering and such. Below are some pictures of Chris working on dinner.
Layering.....and more layering.....and more layering.....

Before it goes into the oven..................Final product of our dinner :)

It was yummy!!!!! We had a great time eating and had decided we were going to watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs...
Layering.....and more layering.....and more layering.....
Before it goes into the oven..................Final product of our dinner :)
It was yummy!!!!! We had a great time eating and had decided we were going to watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs...
However my dear friend Cindy called. I got to talk to her for a little bit and it was nice to catch up with her again. :) Chris and I had just sent her precious little girl a (very late) birthday present. Chris helped me pick out the birthday gift. We got her a baby doll with a diaper bag, bottle, pacifier, and extra diaper. As well as a play cellphone and keys!!!! Chris' favorite part were the keys! He actually tried to use them on his own car! Turns out that is the baby's favorite part too! She loves the keys!!!!
On Wednesday I went to a painting class with my sweet new friend Katie and some of her work buddies. We were suppossed to paint this pond with koi fish. If you have ever seen ANY of my drawings (or attempted drawings) then you know that I can't draw, paint, doodle to save my life. My stick figures are pretty awful too! But I was told that this class was super easy...step by step instructions. Well I had a great time and I am looking forward to going back again....I still dont think I have an artistic bone in my body, but I had a great time! Thanks Katie!!!
Last weekend Christopher and I went to visit his Granddaddy and Nana's graves. It was time to update their flowers so we stopped by Michael's and then headed down to the cemetery. Below is a picture with their new flowers!!!! The scenery is really nice during the fall. All the leaves on the ground, etc.