"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall is HERE!!!

Well I LOVE fall. Love Love LOVE fall. When we got back from England the weather was great here. It is so similar to the weather in England. Rain, breeze, and cool weather. I am in love!! We have had the windows opened since we got back and that is one of my favorite things- listening to the rain through open windows! I don't want this weather to change.
But anyway I am in "fall fever" I wanted to get some mums, put out our new sign, hang our party lights, put out the fall wreath...etc etc. Lucky for me my husband loves fall too! So the other night we went to Lowes to get me some mums. While we were there I talked the hubs into getting some power tools. I have several projects that I want to try out and of course I need the "man of the house" to break out his power tools. So here's what we got: 
Some material to work with (wood), a jig saw, some blades, a sander, and some sand paper.
Oh and my adorable husband.
Our maroon mums with the fun fall sign.
So that's what we picked up from Lowes. And by the next day this is what our patio looked like. 
Complete with our cute party lights, and our fall wreath!

Another view of our mum, sign, and of course the MSU fans sign!
I can't wait to get the house decorated for fall and to get my fun scented candles out and burning! This Edwards' household loves us some fall!
Hope everyone else is loving the fall just as much as we do! and as a side note: