"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Friday, September 28, 2012

Side Note 5- Owl Post and Dervish + Banges

The Owl Post and Dervish & Banges were located right next to Ollivander's Wand Shop. Dervish and Banges was a store that carried wands, robes, house sweaters, brooms, ties, buttons, postcards, etc. The Owl Post was included in Dervish and Banges and right outside of the store was an employee that would "postmark" your postcards with the Hogsmeade postmark and put them in her bag for the next owls to take out and deliver. Chris and I bought several postcards and mailed them out while we were visiting! Hope everyone who received one enjoyed it!
These stores were ALWAYS busy with people! Ollivander's opened a door that led into the Dervish & Banges after the demonstration. 

First up some pictures of Dervish & Banges

The Monster Book of Monsters 
He was sleeping at this point, but one time when we went in there he was all geared up and making the cage rattle and all!

And one last picture during a "busy" time. See the nice employee standing to the right of the door behind the podium. He was there to take your mail, post mark it, and send if off with an owl!

Next up..some pictures of the Owl Post....

The end of the building was a covered picnic type area equipped with a clock tower. Check out all the windows on the building too. Chris and I think those are the owl homes!

Anyone out there?? 
Hope you are enjoying our trip! 

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