"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Surprise Visitor

So tonight I had a surprise visitor come to the apartment. I was sitting around waiting for Chris to come home when I got a phone call from our long lost friend Brian Schilling. He was outside of our apartment, but wasn't sure if anyone was home ( I had all the lights off....you know conserving energy). I haven't seen Brian since February when the group of us went out for dinner ( see that blog here). Chris has seen him a few times since then at work and such, but we definitely had not seen (nor heard) from him in FOREVER.
I guess it wasn't a total surprise since we had been texting Brian last night and some today. He got himself a new puppy and sent us some pictures! Too CUTE!!!
Well anyway.... Just wanted to share!! Come visit again soon Brian!!
Esther and Brian at our wedding reception!


  1. Hey girl! Love reading your blog :) Send me an email sometime (allisonharmon1@gmail.com), and I'll "invite" you to mine!! Looks like you guys are loving married life too! Glad you are doing great!

  2. Great to find your blog and I'm excited to keep reading!

    P.S. I'm having a fun accessories swap on my blog, I'd love for you to join in!
