"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh Baby....

So while I haven't felt like we have been up to much while I sat down to think about writing this blog I realize that maybe we have been up to more than I thought....
Last week Eileen, Cam, and Bentley came to visit! It was so much fun.... It was really great to have someone to spend the day with and having some major "girl time" was really great too! I miss my MSU friends!

This is a picture of Amelia, Eileen, and myself with baby Cam before Chris and I left Starkville...

Chris took the time during their visit to do some experiments....He is such a nerd
(but I love him so much)
Here is a picture of Chris measuring Cam's natural frequency....because that is something that all parents should know about their child.

But we did let Cam play by himself too!
Isn't this child just gorgeous! He is going to be a heart breaker!!!

Eileen and I also got to run errands and just get out of the apartment some too! During one of our errands we went out for lunch. Cam was super excited because he got to try PICKLES!!!! (something me and his aunt Amelia LOVE)
I am sure he loved them more than this picture depicts!

On one of our errands we even got Eileen a wedding dress!!! YAY for perfect, beautiful wedding dresses! Lets just say she looks STUNNING and I can't wait to see her in it in October!!!! I was so excited that I got to be with her when she found it!!! So we celebrated!

There were a lot of things that we did and like I said before just having some much needed girl time was really great!
Opus even got to play in the Johnny Jump Jump.

So also during that week Chris got a birthday present which he really likes! Thanks Calvin Walker for the great gift idea! He was able to completely "nerd" out last week with his experiments and his RC Helicopter!

Christopher and I also started Firm Body Bootcamp last week. This week is our second week and we like it so much we decided to go ahead and sign up for a year. Its pretty intense....to the extent that after our first workout my muscles hurt so bad I didnt think I could move. This week I am feeling much better...muscles are still sore but the recovery is much quicker now.

Tonight we got to have dinner with some friends of ours here in Huntsville. I cant believe it has been soooooo long since I saw any of them in person, but less the entire group! Chris and I had a great time at dinner and are looking forward to doing this again soon!!!

Here's a picture of the group: Esther, Kristen, Stephen, Brian, Elaine,Chris, and me!
Good Looking Bunch huh?

Well other "news worthy" things going on....
Chris and I are still on the church home search, but we have one that we are strongly pursuing right now. Sunday we are going to "meet the church" thing to learn some more info and meet the pastors and such. We know there is a church for us, we are just praying for guidance to that church....More to come on this topic....

Matthew (chris' brother) is coming to visit this weekend! We havent seen him in a while so we are both really excited about his visit!!!!

So exciting news I heard today.......Hanson is coming to Huntsville. To say that I am excited is an understatement...I am still waiting for confirmation, and I am a bit concerned about the size of the venue, but if they are coming I WILL BE SOOOOO EXCITED!!! Oh how I love Hanson!!! Thankfully I married a man that is willing to put up with my love for this band :)

Check out their new music video below. Also they will be on Jay Leno tomorrow night and on Saturday VH1's Top 20 Countdown is going to be showing their new music video!

Also you should check out this video....its one of my favorites!

Speaking of Hanson always reminds me of my dear friend Holly! Thinking of Holly also reminds me that yesterday I also got to see two other friends of mine in the Huntsville area. I met both of these girls through Holly and trust me she has some great taste in friends :)
I got to go bridesmaid dress "trying on" with Adrienne and we LOVE the bridesmaid dresses Holly has picked out! They are so stinking cute! It was great to see Adrienne again it has been way too long since I have seen her!
Then last night Katie joined us at bootcamp. I love Katie....she just makes my week! What special girls Adrienne and Katie are! So thankful that Holly introduced me to such great people!!!! I hope to see all of them again very very soon!!!!

Okay well its my bedtime so I am off! Hope everyone is doing great and I hope you throughly enjoy the Hanson videos :)

1 comment:

  1. Darn! I saw the blog title and thought you had some baby news yourself! LOL
