"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Days with the Hubby are the BEST!

Chris, Opus and I in the snow!

For the past two days I have been stuck in the apartment with none other but the bestest husband in the world! They have been some really great days! We got to sleep in, play in the amazing snow, do some yummy cooking, and just really spend some quality time together in our new home. I told him it was liking the honeymoon all over again, just with snow instead of a beach. It was really nice to not have to run errands, or go somewhere, etc. and just spend time in together and not feel like we have wasted a day.

Kiss kiss in the snow.
I was SUPER excited for snow!

Unfortunately he has to go back to work tomorrow (BOOO) :( But that will give me time to get the apartment back in order before this weekend when my lovely in-laws are coming to visit! We are super excited that they are getting to come and see our home! Momma E. hasn't seen the place yet, and Dad E. hasn't seen it since the boxes have been unpacked! We are very excited to get to spend some time with them in our new home! Can't wait for them to get here!!

Lovely In-Laws!

In another things.....I have finally started in on my wedding scrapbooking.....I have a feeling that it will be a LONG journey, but I have really enjoyed getting to relive some of the greatest moments of my life through the pictures that I have. The other night (during the BCS National Championship game) I got about 8 pages completed.....I know it doesn't seem like much but trust me that it is a BIG accomplishment for me....plus I was distracted a lot while watching the SEC win another National Championship!!!
I am hoping that by February or March I will have completed the scrapbook. As it stands right now I have completed the first bridal showers.....I have started on the wedding day, rehearsal dinner, and pre-wedding week festivities. But by started I mean 1-3 pages.......I spent 3 hours last Friday dividing up pictures from our wedding day and trying to get them in order of the actual wedding before scrapbooking (lets keep in mind that I get distracted very easily so some of that time is just due random distractions).
So I got a cricut machine as a wedding gift, and while it was given to both Chris and I we all know that it was for me! :) I LOVE MY CRICUT MACHINE!! Chris was really excited about it too, mainly because I was thrilled, but when I broke it out the other night he had fun watching me play with it!

This is my organized mess.....

Hmmm...Also this past weekend we got to go to a wedding. Theresa and Chris' (not my Chris) wedding! We had such a great time! Theresa was a beautiful bride and we burned LOTS of calories dancing the night away at the reception. We danced a lot. Christopher busted out dance moves that I had NEVER seen him break out before! It was fantastic and we had such a great time. We danced so much that by the end of the night when we finally got home and got in bed it hurt to move....we were so sore the next day too! But we had a great time! Thanks Chris and Theresa Bupp!!!!
Chris and I before the Bupp reception.
Cute Cake Topper that Theresa made!

So on that note I am off........tomorrow will be a typical Wednesday, but at least it is only a few days till the weekend!!!! Have a great day!

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