"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Hubby!

Birthday Boy!

So as many of you know yesterday was the hubby's birthday! Sadly we live in the real world and he had to go to work...but no worries I sent him off to work with some yummy devils food cake cupcakes iced with rainbow chip icing (his choice) :) I attempted to make this super yummy looking brownie cupcakes with a recipe by martha stewart.....they were AWFUL tasting so we had to throw them out and went with our second option cupcakes of Christopher's choosing.

Yesterday morning I got up and made Christopher breakfast: Turkey Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, and made from scratch biscuits. I found this recipe for biscuits using heavy whipping cream (yeah I know real healthy) and these biscuits are delicious! I had made them once before and Chris asked for them specifically for his bday breakfast! Yum.

Opus also made sure that Christopher got to open his birthday present at breakfast....It was nothing too exciting (I know I'm lame)..but he needed a new belt so a new belt he got! and some chocolates.

But no worries his main bday gift was coming....I was attempting to cook filet mignon and lobster for dinner!!!!
Well I (we) decided against the live lobster for dinner.....1st I couldnt find my large stock pot....2nd I didnt think walking back from Kroger with 2 live lobsters crawling around and trying to get out of my bag would be very good for me....3rd Kroger had some very lovely fresh lobster tails that would do the job just fine...4th I wasn't quite ready to tackle that big feat....maybe next year!

So the dinner menu was a hit with Christopher....

Surf (Lobsters)

Turf (Steaks)

Baked Potatoes

Roasted Green Beans, Red Peppers, and Onions

Once I got all of that in the oven (which was a tight squeeze once I added the crescent rolls) the next thing I had to get was the table set...Now I do not know how to properly set a table, and while I am sure it is something I should learn, and I know I could look it up online I just decided I wanted to set it the way that seemed most natural for Chris and I...because it was just the two of us using the table setting....

Chris likes minature things (cornish hens, one egg skilets, etc) I am not sure why but he always gets a kick out of them so I made sure he had the smallest "fork" that we had.....he was really excited when he saw it!
The table is set.

And I tried to be cute and make little hearts as our butter.....This is much more difficult than I expected.....

Bringing in the main course!

Dinner Time!

Hand Dipped Chocolate Covered Strawberries!

Well that was our Valentine's Day! It was super yummy and it was so great to have a dinner like that with the hubby without having to go out to a restaurant. Great conversation and pretty yummy food (if I can say so).

So now I am at the house waiting for our guests of the week to get into town!!! YAY for Eileen, Cam, and Bentley coming to visit!!!! I am sure there will be plenty of pictures of Cam on the next blog. He is just so adorable!
We are so thankful for the great friends we have in our lives! We have truly been blessed by our friends!
Well I am off to finish getting the apartment ready for our new guests!!! Hope everyone had a great valentines day!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the super cute new blog background! Glad you successfully figured it out! Oh and dinner looks yummy!
