"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

-Romans 12:12-13

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well its been a while since I blogged....Not sure I just wasn't into it I guess...
So whats been going on with us?

Hmmm... well the wonderful Amelia Treptow came to visit with us for a weekend. I have really missed many of our friends that we left in Starkville, and Amelia is definitely one of the most missed. As many of you know Amelia took our GORGEOUS wedding pictures (yes I know I am biased). We didn't do too much of anything except drive around Huntsville to shop. We spent ALL day Saturday doing so, but it was mostly just having some much needed "girl-talk" time.
Here are some pictures from her trip. Unfortunately I didn't take any till Saturday night and then Sunday before she left :( I did not do well on my photo-taking skills.

Here's a picture of Amelia and Christopher trying out olives that we got from the olive bar at Kroger.

Here's one of my and Amelia before she left for the weekend.....

And one of Amelia and Christopher....
We hope she comes to visit again very very soon! Although I guess it is time for us to make a trip back to Starkville!

So next week we get more fun guests to come visit!!! YAY for having friends! Next week we get to have the fabulous Eileen with sweet little growing man Cam and the wonderful Bentley! Chris, Opus and I are very very excited! Hopefully I will get more pictures from their trip and get to post some of our fun times!!

This past weekend we went to Memphis. It was really good to see our family, although we wish we were able to spend some more time with them. We will have to plan a trip there again soon too!

So on Monday we get to celebrate Christopher's birthday. :) We have decided to stay in for dinner since it being Valentine's Day and all the restaurants are pretty packed. With that being said I am attempting to cook lobster for the first time....... Chris really wants me to get live lobsters and cook them in a pot of boiling water...I just dont know if I can handle hearing the screaming so we will see....I will probably just chicken out and buy some lobster tails or something.....I will keep you posted on those dinner plans.....
I also have to make some type of dessert for Chris to take to work that Monday. I found a really cute recipe for brownie cupcakes with buttercream frosting and little heart shaped brownies for a topping.....Hopefully they will turn out tasty too :)

Well since it is so icy outside my lovely hubby got to stay home from work! It was a great surprise this morning! He woke up early (as usual) but then decided he would snooze for another hour or so.....which was fantastic! Then he did try to make it into work but he didnt even make it a quarter mile before watching a car struggle very much up the hill on the ice and decided he would come hang out with me till later in the morning so that hopefully the roads would clear up some. Well after being home for about 30 minutes he got a phone call letting him know that they were going close up for the day and that he had the day off :) I am so glad I get to spend the WHOLE day with him.....so with that I am off to cook some lunch with my lovely hubby!

Well hopefully I will update again soon! :)

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